Adventure and The Pacific Crest Trail is now available for purchase in print and as an ebook for your iPad and Kindle devices.

Discover the highs and lows of backpacking the Pacific Crest Trail through daily journal entries and beautiful photos. Witness the contrast of landscapes from stark deserts to the majestic Sierra Nevada. Feel the struggle of hunger and the pain of injury. Meet trail angels and stumble upon trail magic in this detailed chronicle, this step-by-step narrative of life on the trail.

Jill and Arthur walked from the Mexican border to the Canadian border in 2015, documenting their 2,650 mile journey through California, Oregon, and Washington. They invite you to share in their adventure and experience part of the world as it is rarely seen.

As Daniel Zweier, Editor-in-Chief of, said:

Jill and Arthur’s journey is magical…built on daily reflection and heartfelt connection. You struggle and succeed with them.

This adventure was amazing, of course. Those of you who followed our journey on our blog know how full of wonder and excitement (and pain and struggle) The Pacific Crest Trail was for us. The book making process was wonderful in its own way. Since finishing the trail back in September 2015 Jill and I have gone through our photos and journal notes countless times, refining them and reliving our favorite moments.

Adventure and the PCT

So you have read our blog, or you might choose to go and read it right now, for free. What’s new in the book?

Well, not much. The posts have been edited for grammar and clarity. Our best photos made it into the book, and they have been refined to best reflect the reality of what we saw on trail. The printed book is beautiful, and I am happy and proud to have a copy of my own. It will make an excellent living-room conversation piece, an experience to share and discuss with guests. The ebook, more so the iPad version, is a sleek experience of our trail journal. It’s a more personal experience, one where you can take time studying the grand landscapes of the photos.

And this experience should be shared, because it does not belong to only Jill and I. It is not only our own. This journey was inspired by others, aided by others, supported by others, and enjoyed by others. We want to thank friends and family, trail angels and trail friends, random providers of trail magic and car rides, the PCTA and its volunteers, and our readers!

Without all of you, and countless more, this adventure would not have been what it was. The trail would not be what it is.

Thank you all.

The Pacific Crest Trail is a truly remarkable experience stretching across many truly remarkable places. But the people made the difference. The trail is magic, and so is the community which surrounds it.




A note about price, for those surprised by the stark difference between the print and electronic versions. The $250 price tag is due primarily to printing costs. The hardcover, 358 page, 13 x 11, book is printed on photo quality paper, and it is a heavy piece of literature, in the literal sense. About $200 goes into the actual printing of the book via my print-on-demand service, blurb, and then Amazon gets to take it’s fair cut. The ebook, on the other hand, requires no printing costs and Amazon’s cut is percentage based, so the electronic version’s costs are puny by comparison.

The best way to support us, and this book, is to leave a review. If you have read our blog, you know the contents of the book. A review on Amazon or Goodreads will help bring eyes to its existence. Thank you!

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