Fear: The First Frostarc Novella

I’m back. The fog has lifted, the earth has shifted and raised the gifted. You knew I’d be back so pack your bone and hit the road jack, cause daddy’s home. ~Suitable words from the always eloquent Kid Rock. Two months since I last wrote a post. Wow....

The Blog Became a Distraction

I promoted myself before I even built up any content to promote. I was working on growing my audience before you had anything to read. Things were going a bit backwards. I was proud of myself for keeping up on this blog and updating it regularly. I felt great until I...

Crash Course in Fantasy Writing by Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn Trilogy is one of my favorite reads of all time. I also enjoyed Warbreaker a great deal. He is an excellent modern fantasy writer, and is still relatively new to the best-seller scene. Below is a selection of videos that compose the...

My Name as a Brand

Some time ago I had decided to use my own name, rather than a made-up pen name, as my author signature for my works. Since then I have marketed and used my name to promote my writing, gain a following, and no matter how nonchalant I try to say it– make some...


Just a little bluesy bit I wrote. Enjoy! Money Oh I ain’t got no money baby. I need to buy a car. Got no money baby. I want to go to a bar. So little money, my wallet’s running dry. So little money. Can’t afford apple pie. Need some money baby. Need to get a job. Need...

7 Deadly Sins of Writers

Writing is a daily struggle for us. Those of you who are writers may find that reading about these sins will strike a chord within you, and those of you who are not may come to understand just how difficult sitting down to write really is. We writers face these demons...

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