
“Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.” ~H. Jackson Brown Jr. Finding time...

Frostarc Impending

I am hours away from finishing Frostarc. Not that I will have it ready to sell a few hours from the time of this post, but there are only a handful of hours of work left towards this project’s completion. I won’t go into detail, and even if it is fact I...

Putting the Pieces Together

One final edit, formatting for ebook, formatting for print book, ebook and print book covers, setting up for paperback, setting up for hardcover, getting an ISBN…what a mess! I’ve been telling myself to take it one step at a time, but I have wound up...

Flight: The Third Frostarc Novella

Flight, the third and final novella in the Frostarc series, is now on sale! Our team has scrapped and survived together, but now they must choose what paths they will take as they move onward. Will this climactic conclusion bring them together, or tear them apart?...

Fray: The Second Frostarc Novella

Fray, part 2 of 3 in the Frostarc novella series is now available for purchase through Amazon! These three novellas will complete the Frostarc novel. In part 2, more friends and enemies are introduced. The battles are larger, the bad guys are smarter, and Kozz runs...

Writing a Novel Backwards

Most writers complain that their initial draft was too large and that they have had to edit it down, chop out scenes, refine dialogue, and erase lesser prose to fit their masterpiece into a size fit for a novel. But I went backwards. I had to expand my scenes, give...

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